

We love challenges and are driven to turn the impossible into possible

ATCOM covers the full spectrum of business needs in the ever growing and demanding digital ecosystem

When it comes to services, talents & capabilities, ATCOM ticks all the right boxes. Our extensive portfolio reflects our mission to help businesses move forward, capitalise on critical tools and trends, thrive in the digital era and stay ahead of competition.


Turning complexity into high-level efficiency.

Regardless of company size, we provide every tool needed to bring functional Business-to-Business and/or Business-to-Consumer solutions to life. Interfacing with multiple third party systems to create a smooth user and business experience, we develop the highest-traffic, transaction-heavy, application-critical websites and mobile apps. Aggregating data from multiple sources, we transform unnecessarily complex systems into practical, user-friendly and easy-to-manage solutions.


With 20 years of experience, we know how to take technology to the next level.

From the very beginning, technology has been at the heart of what we do. Ever since, everything has either evolved or changed, apart from one thing: Our passion to employ state-of-the-art technologies to deliver real value to our clients & partners. ATCOM never compromises on performance, reliability, security and compliance to the highest standard; we always take the extra step and address the most strenuous technical challenges, to provide added value at every touchpoint.


We know what can make or break your business.

We help you identify new business opportunities, align your corporate and brand identity with today’s marketplace and map your way to success. Our goal is to envision the future of your organisation in the digital ecosystem and guide you through your journey to empower your people, connect with your customers and transform your business.


We change businesses. We transform experiences.

Gone are the days when you could engage audiences with a single, generic message. Our Experience experts have the insights, passion and expertise to help you forge meaningful experiences as the key element to optimise conversion rates, improve your brand's perception and boost customer loyalty.


Beyond Web Design.

Creativity is a fundamental element of ATCOM’s DNA. Our Creative Department consists of highly trained and motivated designers who love to break new ground. A strong digital presence is a vital component of every business, enabling essential channels of communication, engagement, customer support and conversions. Therefore it must have a powerful visual effect, but also be cross-channel consistent, fulfil customers’ emerging needs and stand out from the competition. Looking beyond the “wow” factor, we harness creativity to meet business goals. After all, it is creativity coupled with strategy and UX/UI that brings the greatest award: Engaged users and happy, loyal clients.


From Mobile-Friendly to Mobile-First.

For ATCOM, mobile goes back a long way. We were the first to identify its potential and the first to invest in it. Being proud pioneers in the Greek mobile scene, we designed and developed the first iPhone app, the first e-Commerce app and, more recently, the first Mobile Payment - POS, accompanied by its SDK and Framework to be used by other mobile developers. In our generation’s “mobile-first” approach, ATCOM’s Mobile Team thrives on challenges and settles for nothing but the best.


Think Experience, not Technology.

Web, mobile, in-store, e-Commerce, brick and mortar. With boundaries ever blurring among the various customer touchpoints, it's experience that remains paramount. Experience Lab is ATCOM’s Business Unit which implements projects that create seamless, meaningful and innovative customer experiences, across channels and along the circuitous customer journey. Exploiting every opportunity, we achieve contextual omnipresence, use Big Data to yield powerful business intelligence and help brands communicate with their customers in relevant and impactful ways. At ATCOM, we don’t just create experiences. We own them.


Investing in digital marketing means investing in your brand.

While your brand should be timeless, it’s also a living, breathing entity that must continuously evolve and adapt. At ATCOM, we complement our digital production services with innovative campaign concepts, social media management, digital copywriting, branding and e-mail strategies that are always aligned with your brand and clients, ensuring that you achieve not just clicks, but performance-oriented results, measured in real ROI, conversions and increased brand equity.

As far as affiliate marketing is concerned, the experts at our subsidiary company Linkwise, specialising in Affiliate & Performance Marketing, know exactly how to help you increase your user base and generate leads in the most measurable and cost-effective way.


Strategy: It all starts here.

Today, every business is a digital business, regardless of industry or niche. Our approach to digital strategy is thorough and includes integrated business optimisation planning, from business case conceptualisation to complex ecosystem strategic mapping, extensive research and unbeatable market knowledge. Making the best use of our expertise and result-driven methodology, we understand what must be done, why and how, in order to create a coherent enterprise architecture, map your strategy and grow your business.


Keeping our clients on cloud nine.

As Microsoft's 2017 Country Partner of the Year (awarded again in 2015) for our leading Azure Cloud and Modern Marketing services, we are in a prime position to help clients embark upon their digital transformation journeys, in a safe, flexible and efficient manner. By adopting our comprehensive cloud web hosting services, businesses can remain competitive by increasing their business productivity and lowering their infrastructure costs.